Graduate Program Projects

Golden Rose Psychic Academy is pleased to present these Graduate Program Projects

The talented graduate students presented here have completed over 18 months of psychic development course work by completing the Clairvoyant I and Clairvoyant II program as well as our graduate level training. They are truely psychic professionals capable of creating and maintaining their own business platforms to further our Ascension process on Earth.

Learn more about our Graduate Program and email us at info@goldenrosepsychic.comfor more information

March 2024

Projects by Bob Randklev

YouTube Channel

Healing Course

Projects by Lissa Callahan

Mind Travel Cafe Podcast

Higher Self Communication Course

Projects by Reza Moosavi

Clairvoyant Program

YouTube Channel in English

YouTube in Farsi

Project by Laura Dominguez


Project by Fabio Campos

Psychic Reading and Healing Course

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