All psychic readings and services are performed by internationally known clairvoyant, Dr. Loren Cielo. Our San Diego psychic readings are performed via Zoom and all sessions are confidential as are client lists and contact information because privacy is an important part of the healing process.
Moreover, San Diego psychic readings are for everyone, everywhere. For instances, we proudly serve over 20 countries in various time zones. Therefore, if there are no appointments available in your time zone, reach out to us and we’ll make it happen.
And we’re always excited to hear from clients with unique needs. However, if you don’t see a particular service listed below that suits your unique circumstance or you need more information, please drop us an email. And we’ll contact you with possible ways we can help!
If you need help adding yourself to our appointment scheduler please go HERE.

And thank you for your interest in Dr. Cielo’s services. Because all psychic readings are peformed in San Diego, clients access live readings via Zoom. And all recorded psychic readings are delivered via email, as a result, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the communication and healing. We hope to work with you soon and if you have any questions, please contact us. We look forward to meeting you and providing the communication and healing that results in a happier and healthier experience on Earth.