Specials & Discounts
October 2024 SPECIALS
Hurry... offers expire on October 31, 2024
All Products, Services and Training provided by Dr. Loren Cielo
Halloween Past Life Readings Only $75
Looking for the perfect Halloween custom? One of the reason we pick certain costumes, especially when we were children is because we were that in another life! With this fun service, first, you'll receive a message from your Higher Self and then Dr. Loren Cielo will peek at your past lives and give you some suggestions! This makes a great Halloween gift for you and others!
Live Workshop on Thursday, October 24 Only $35
We've all had dreams that we can't seem to forget and other dreams seem to slip away almost instantly. Learn what dreams are and how we benefit from them. Even if you can't make the live event sign up and receive the audio replay after the live workshop. Taught by Dr. Loren Cielo.
Celestial Introductions Save $75
Dr. Loren first creates an audio file, describing who your Guides are, what they look like, where they stand around you and even which gemstone matches their vibration. Once you have listened to the Reading, there is another audio that leads you in a meditation to receive a Healing from each of them. We are never really alone in this life. Let Dr. Loren introduce you to your Celestial Guides today! Use Coupon Code: 75OCT24